
Landscape evolution by megafloods
Agriculture and soil erosion
Erosion-Weathering Links
Topography, Erosion, Tectonics, and Climate
Development of new cosmogenic nuclide chronometers

Research Program

The Geomorphology Group at the University of Massachusetts studies landscape evolution by a wide range of processes. We work across broad spatial and temporal scales, from the influence of a single storm on river dynamics to the coupling of erosion and mountain uplift, and everything in between. Our goal is to better understand the mechanical and chemical processes that drive the evolution of topography by combining field, geochemical, remote sensing, GIS, and numerical tools. The newly constructed UMass Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory provides us with exceptional analytical capabilities for constraining the rates of landscape evolution and timing of geomorphic events.

Current Projects

  • Landscape evolution by megafloods
  • Agriculture and soil erosion 
  • Erosion-Weathering Links
  • Topography, Erosion, Tectonics, and Climate
  • Development of new cosmogenic nuclide chronometers