GEO-SCI426/626 Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation

Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences

University of Massachusetts - Amherst

4 cr, Fall 2024

Class schedule table        

Notes, lab and assignments will be updated on the Canvas.

Lecture                 TuTh 1-2:15 pm                 225 Morrill Sci. Ctr.

Lab                        Tu 2:30-4:30 pm 212 Morrill II (UMass IT lab) (No lab on 9/5. First lab on 9/12)

Instructor             Prof. Qian Yu, Morrill 267,, Office hour: Mon 1:30-2:30, Thu 2:30-3:30 or by appt

TA                          Dylan Roy, Morrill 264,, Office hour: Wed 10-11, Friday 1:30-2:30 or by appt


Course description

This course introduces the fundamentals of remote sensing. Class lectures will focus on a range of concepts and techniques key to understanding how remote sensing data are acquired, displayed, restored, enhanced, and analyzed. Topics include remote sensing principles, aerial photography, image interpretation, major remote sensing systems, image display and enhancement, information extraction, accuracy assessment, and remote sensing in environmental research and applications. First half of the semester focuses on theory of remote sensing. In the second half, we have several hands-on computer labs to gain experience using the image processing software ENVI. We will also explore a range of practical issues related to the application of remote sensing to solve real world problems. Overall, this class emphasizes remote sensing theory and knowledge.


Course objectives

To provide you with an introduction to the principles and practices of photo interpretation and digital remote sensing for use in environmental monitoring, measurements of structural parameters, and natural resource management.

This class will ensure students have knowledge on these aspects:

1.  the properties and characteristics of aerial photographs.

2.  remote sensing systems: a) how to define the type of remote sensing needed to fulfill the user’s stated objectives, b) where existing remote sensing data which fulfills his/her objectives may be located, and c) how to obtain new aerial photography, if necessary.

3.  digital image processing: a) basic concepts on non-photographic remote sensing, b) general principles of digital image processing for remote sensing applications, and c) future applications of remote sensing to natural resource management and related fields.

4.  remote sensing information extraction: a) which characteristics of land cover types can be mapped/measured from remote sensing, b) different techniques available for mapping and measuring these land cover types, and c) how accurately these land cover characteristics can be mapped from remote sensing.

Prerequisites:  High school Geometry, Algebra 2, and precalculus.

Required textbook for lectures 

1.    Jensen, John R., 2016, Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, Pearson, 4th ed. ISBN 978-0-13-405816-0.

* Digital, hardcopy, any format is fine. The book is on reserve in the library.

Reference book for lectures

2.    Jensen, John R., 2007, Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective, Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 2nd ed. ISBN 0-13-188950-8

3.    Lillesand, Kiefer and Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Wiley.

4.    Sabins, Floyd and James Ellis. Remote Sensing: Principles, Interpretation, and Applications, Waveland Press.

* Reference books are not part of the reading. They are listed as courtesy as some of my lecture figures are from those sources.

Lab software access

A professional remote sensing software ENVI will be used for most of the labs. ENVI is installed in 212 Morrill. You can also access ENVI through UMass Azure Virtual Desktop. You can find the instruction on how to access AVD here.

Grading and evaluation

Assignments and labs

Mid-Term Exam


Final Project

Sensor/Paper Presentation            

Class participation& attendance







-          All written assignments must be handed in on time.

-          Mid-exams will cover key concepts from lecture, readings and remote sensing theories.

-          Presentation: 426 students will present a satellite sensor.

626 students will present a journal paper about remote sensing application in your field.

-          Attendance will be accessed by class participation, taking rolls at random dates and pop quiz.

Policy on attendance and due dates for assignments:

·      The class is taught in person with zoom recording for lectures!

426 students must take the course in-person. For most students taking the class in person, attendance to both lecture and lab session is required in the normal circumstances and forms a portion of your grade. Lectures and some lab tutorials will be recorded for the convenience of review. This does not mean you are free to skip lectures or labs. For absences due to health reasons, family illness, religious observance or other extenuating circumstances, students should fill out a google form to record excused absences in a timely fashion. Verification document is requested for alternate arrangements to be made. It is the responsibility of the student to review the lecture recording in the event the student cannot attend class.

Most 626 students take the course in person as well. The class is also open to 626 students who enrolled in GIST Masters program online and need to take the course by zoom live stream or asynchronously. Please fill out the pre-class survey and get approval from the instructor at the beginning of the semester. We also want to know how to  help your remote learning. A student must declare you want to take the course fully online or fully in person.

·      Assignment late submission policy Both due date and late due date are noted in each assignment. The late due date is normally 7 days after the due date. For the assignments right before mid-term and near the end of the semester, the late due date could be shortened (e.g., 3 days late due) or no late due allowed. The purpose is for me to give out the assignment answers earlier for mid-term preparation. In all, late due date printed on the assignment should be followed.

All exercises must be turned in by the due date for full credit unless arranged with the instructor before the deadline. Each student has one chance of late submission (before late due date) with no point deduction during the semester. Other late submissions before late due date without advance permission by the instructor will cause a grade deduction. No lab assignment will be accepted after late due date. By that time, the assignment answers will be released.

Late submission

1-3 days

4-7 days

>7 days or after late due date

Point deduction



Not accepted, the assignment answers will be released

The instructor could grant extension for excused late submission. Please email the instructor to request an extension.

·      Assignments should be submitted through Canvas. Any submission made by email attachment or link to your shared document will not be considered for grading and meeting deadline.

·      Mid-term is close book and the schedule on syllabus is only tentative. No make-up exams will be given unless PRIOR arrangements have been made with instructor and documentation of excused must be provided.

·      Missing mid-term exam, presentations, final project presentation, project report, or >=3 homework will result in an F for the course regardless of the final grade.

Disability Accommodations

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students. If you have a documented physical, psychological, or learning disability on file with Disability Services (DS), you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations to help you succeed in this course. For disability accommodations, please register with Disability Services as early as possible. Meanwhile please notify the instructor through the pre-class survey or email within the first two weeks of the semester so that we may make appropriate arrangements. DS accommodation request must be filed each semester. Do not expect the request will be automatically carried over.

Policy on class materials and recordings

Students can only use the lecture notes and the notes they take from class for their own personal use, and not share (sell) these notes via an outside vendor or entity without the faculty/instructor’s permission.  This pertains to in-class recordings as well.  Usage of the notes or in-class recordings in this way without the faculty member’s permission is a violation of the faculty member’s copyright protection.

This does not pertain to accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), although recordings or sharing of notes for ADA accommodations should not pertain to distribution beyond the students in the class receiving the accommodations.

Academic Honesty Policy

Since the integrity of the academic enterprise of any institution of higher education requires honesty in scholarship and research, academic honesty is required of all students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in all programs of the University. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and facilitating dishonesty. Appropriate sanctions may be imposed on any student who has committed an act of academic dishonesty. (

·      All work submitted must be your own in presentation. You may discuss homework and final project with other students (you are encouraged to do so), but the homework and project write-up must be your work.

·      Copying homework is not allowed, and collaboration so close that it looks like copying is not allowed. Violation will be reported to the UMass Academic Honesty Board.

·      In write-up, if you make use of a printed or on-line source as reference, you need to cite it and mention it.

Class Schedule (subject to change according to the progress)

This table will be updated throughout the semester. Schedule could change according to our progress (which is why they are in grey) and reading will be filled in. You can direct access by the following URL (no canvas login required). This URL is also posted on Canvas.







1 Sept 2


Lecture 0

Introduction and syllabus



No lab



Lecture 1.1

Physic basis of remote sensing (1):

Electromagnetic radiation principles

Jensen’s ch6 p185-191.

Particle  Model p191-196 is optional.

2 Sept 9


Lecture 1.2

Physic basis of remote sensing (2):

Atmospheric Energy-Matter interaction

Terrain Energy-Matter interaction (2)

Physic basis of remote sensing: path radiance, atmosphere correction (3) This part will be covered in Lab 3

Jensen’s ch6


p208-215 (end before Atm Transmittance)

p220-223 (start from Absolute Atm Correction, end before Relative Radiometric Corr)

Lab 1

Hyperspectral curve, spectroradiometer

Jensen’s ch 1, page 1- 3 In situ data collection


Lecture 2.1

Aerial photography: vantage point, cameras (1)

PDF in Canvas.

3 Sept 16


Lecture 2.2

Aerial photography: color theory, filter (2)


Lab 2

Aerial Photographic System



Lecture 3.1

Multispectral remote sensing systems: concepts: digital images, resolution, orbits, platform, types of system

Jensen’s ch 2 p37-38 (end before Microdensitometer) and p44-48, Ch 1 p3-17 (end before Polarization Information)

4 Sept 23


Lecture 3.2

Multispectral remote sensing systems: Landsat and SPOT

Jensen’s ch 2 p44-63 and p73-82


No lab



Lecture 3.2



5 Sept 30


Lecture 3.3

Multispectral remote sensing systems -AVHRR, EOS, High resolution

Jensen’s ch 2 p63-73, p88-101 (end before Airborne Digital Cameras)


Lab 3

Image display and multispectral remote sensing System



Lecture 3.3

Multispectral remote sensing systems- SmallSat, hyperspectral


7 Oct 7


Lecture 4.1

Thermal infrared remote sensing

Online reading

Lab 3b

Access public remote sensing data and preprocessing



Lecture 4.2

Thermal infrared remote sensing


8 Oct 14



No class, Monday schedule



No class, Monday schedule



Lab 4

Thermal infrared remote sensing interpretation

PDF in Canvas.

9 Oct 21


Lecture 5.1

Image enhancement: radiometric enhancement

Jensen’s ch 8 p273-301

Lab 4




Lecture 5.2

Image enhancement: spatial enhancement

Jensen’s ch8 p308

10 Oct 28



Lecture 5.3

Image enhancement: spectral enhancement


Lab 5

Image enhancement



Lecture 6.1

Information extraction:  supervised classification

Jensen’s ch9 p361-402

11 Nov 4



Holiday, no class



Holiday, no lab




Mid-term exam


12 Nov 11


Lecture 6.2

Lecture 6.3

Information extraction:  unsupervised classification

Information extraction:  object-based classification

Jensen’s ch9 p402-411

Jensen’s ch9 p413-423


Lab 6

Image Classification




Sensor presentations


13 Nov 18


Paper presentations


Lec & Lab 7

Change detection

Jensen’s ch12


Final project


14 Nov 25



Final project




Final project




Thanksgiving recess


15 Dec 2



Working on final project





Working on final project





Working on final project


16 Dec 9



Final project presentation





Final project report due on Dec 18