Geologic Maps and other Data for Massachusetts

Get Geologic Maps
in 5 easy steps:

  1. Read 'Reading Maps with a Critical Eye: Becoming an Informed Map Reader' to become a savvy map user

  2. Search the National Geologic Map Database

  3. Search the USGS Publications Warehouse

  4. Peruse the Massachusetts DEP Hydrogeologic Information Matrix
    (useful for subsurface and hydrogeologic information)

  5. Still can't find it? Browse this page for data by subject (to the right).

  6. Still can't find it?

    E-mail jkopera[at] or sbmabee[at] and we'll help you get what you're looking for.

    (Note: Our request volume is high, so it may take us a few days to get back to you).

Geologic Data by subject:

Mass. Geological Survey Publications:

Geologic and subsurface information for Massachusetts comes in many forms,collected by a variety of institutions over 150+ years, including the USGS and Massachusetts Geological Survey. Please pardon the complexity of this page while we figure out how to make this wealth of data more easily accessible to you.


Before you download data:

What 7.5' quadrangles are my town in? Using Geologic Maps:

  • Reading Maps with a Critical Eye: Becoming an Informed Map Reader (by the Maine Geologic Survey)
  • What is a geologic map?  What are they used for?

  • Geologic data listed by type and source:

    Surficial (glacial) geology:


    Bedrock geology:

    Subsurface boring logs and other information:

    Mineral Resources and other Data for Massachusetts:

    Digital Hydrogeologic Data:

    Topographic Data:

    Miscellanious Maps and Reports:

    Free GIS Software (listed in order of sophisitication / learning curve)

    webpage last updated 3/29/2012

    Comments / Suggestions / Problems / Questions? E-mail