Julie Brigham-Grette noted reviewer for map of Beringia, featured in Daily Hampshire Gazette

Dr. Julie-Brigam Grette, wearing bright-purple windbreaker and muck-boots, standing at muddy streambank, feet in water, examining hunks of clay-rich varve deposits she is holding. A shove rests, eager, on the bank.

Department head and professor Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette was interviewed by Live Science on her role in the construction of the Yukon Geological Survey's new map of Beringia, ca. 18,000 years ago. Read more...

Brigham-Grette was also featured by the Daily Hampshire Gazette as she took the reporter on a tour of the Late Pleistocene features of the Connecticut Valley near campus, describing the formation and draining of Glacial Lake Hitchcock.  Read More...