Andean Glacier Bird - Diuca speculifera

Other bird species in the Quelccaya area - image gallery

All images below were taken in the area immediately to the west of Quelccaya Ice Cap. They are presented to document the diversity of bird species found during the dry season in this region, with full recognition that some are less than optimally sharp. Not all species photographed were definitely identified (e.g., see final birds in this series), and a few species were observed and identified, but not photographed (e.g., a group of at least 3 Puna Tinamou (Tinamotis pentlandii) and an Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) on two occasions). Several species were neither photographed or identified (e.g., a large hummingbird in 2006). We hope to produce a more comprehensive species list during 2009 fieldwork.

Andean Gull (Larus serranus) and Puna Ibis (Plegadis ridgwayi), ~3,600 m (July 2006)
Doug Hardy, UMass Geosciences