Software (free!)

NOAA Paleoclimatology Program data analysis and display programs

NOAA NNDC Climate Data Online. An interactive application that lets you graph and download data from the world's weather data archive. Available data includes National Weather Surface daily summaries for 16 weather elements, global daily summaries of 12 weather elements, climate division precipitation, temperature, and drought data, and Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) precipitation data.

PANGAEA - Publishing Network for Geoscientific and Environmental Data. An information system aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing data from Global Change research with special emphasis on paleoclimatic, marine and environmental sciences.

Calibration of radiocarbon ages (in calendar years): CALIB

OXCAL Online Radiocarbon Calibration See Ramsey, C. N., 1995. Radiocarbon calibration and analysis of stratigraphy: the Oxcal program. Radiocarbon, 37, 425-430.

INQUA File Boutique. Many self-extracting files of programs and data. Mostly pollen-related.

Programs from Manfred Mudelsee.Statistical analysis of climate time series.

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