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Climate System
Research Center

Dept. of Geosciences
Univ. of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
phone: 413-545-0659
fax: 413-545-1200

Simmonds Ice Cap changes (1999-2002)

Pictures and first results from the 2003 field season

Land-Atmosphere-Ice and Snow Interactions
in the High Arctic:
the Hazen Plateau, Ellesmere Island

airphoto Murray and Simmons Ice Cap

The airphoto above is centered at ~ 81°20' N and 69°0' W, and entirely within Ellesmere Island National Park. For scale, the long axis of the Murray Ice Cap is approximately 5 km. Our camp is just East of the margin. The meteorological stations are designated as follows: G3 is the 3 meter tripod on the Ice Cap (year-round), G10 is the 10 meter tower on the Ice Cap (seasonal, with ventilated radiometers) and T3 is the 3 meter tripod on the tundra (year-round). Ablation stake networks have been emplaced on both the Murray and Simmonds Ice Caps.

Project Summary -  In this project, we are investigating interactions of the land surface, atmospheric processes and snow and ice-covered surfaces over an extensive upland region – the Hazen Plateau of northern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada where broad, flat hill summits reach elevations of ~750-850m a.s.l.. The area provides an ideal "test-bed" to study the feedbacks and interactions between snow/ice-covered sites and snow-free tundra characteristic of many other regions of the Arctic, without the complications resulting from large topographic and elevation changes.

Climate System Research Center | Department of Geosciences | University of Massachusetts

Document maintained by Carsten Braun (
Last updated: 09 September 2003