Taconite Inlet Project

9. References

Dozier, J. and Warren, S.G., 1982, Effect of viewing angle on the infrared brightness temperature of snow: Water Resources Research, v. 17, p. 1213-1221.

Gill, G.C., 1983, Comparison testing of selected naturally ventilated radiation shields: summarized in R.M. Young Co. memo Wind and Temperature Instruments, March 1987.

Ohmura, A. 1980, Climate and energy balance on Arctic tundra, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Spring and Summer 1969, 1970 and 1972: Zurich, ETH, Diss. ETH Nr. 6587, 448 p.

Tanner, B.D., 1990, Automated weather stations: Remote Sensing Reviews, v. 5, p. 73-98.

Wardle, D. and McArthur, B., 1992, Pyrgeometer correction for short-wave interference: NARC memo, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, National Atmospheric Radiation Centre, 2 p.

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