Staff - Joseph P. Kopera

After receiving his B.S. in geology from Towson University, Joe began his training as a field geologist at the Indiana University Geologic Field Station in Cardwell, Montana. He subsequently earned his Master's degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, performing detailed geologic mapping in the Tusas Mountains of New Mexico and using a newly developed geochronologic technique to refine the tectonic history of the area. Since 2003, Joe has been mapping bedrock for the Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist, in addition to serving as a GIS technician and webmaster. He is strongly devoted to the fading discipline of field geology, and his research interests include the regional geology of southeast New England and the interaction of geology and human civilization. He occasionally leads fieldtrips in the Pioneer Valley through the Hitchcock Center for the Environment.



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webpage last updated 8/2007