The department has recently established a fund in memory of Dr Sheila Seaman, who died in 2019 after a valiant battle with cancer. A much beloved teacher, a creative researcher, and an endearing colleague, Sheila embodied the best attributes of a geoscientist and a human. The Sheila J. Seaman Student Research Fund will provide yearly awards supporting undergraduate and graduate research in the Geosciences. Although preference will go to students pursuing research in mineralogy and petrology, all students will be considered for the awards. Emails and a postcard mailings to Geosciences alums have informed them of this new award.
Anyone wishing to contribute to the fund may do so here:
This is the only current way to access the Fund, so please use this link. Once the fund is endowed and fully established at the UMass Foundation, hopefully later this year, it will appear with other department funds available here under the Contribute link.