Tim Cook
Adjunct Assistant Professor
(Currently Visiting Assistant Professor at Bates College)

University of Massachusetts
Department of Geosciences
611 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-1755
Email: tcook@geo.umass.edu

Ph.D. Geology, University of Massachusetts, 2009
M.S. Oceanography, University of Delaware, 2004
Sc.B. Geological Sciences, Brown University, 2001

My research interests are broadly concerned with understanding the processes that govern interactions between the climate system, the hydrosphere, land surfaces and the sedimentary record. I investigate how both natural and human changes in the Earth system influence sedimentary processes and apply this knowledge to studies of long-term climate and environmental change. I have worked in both coastal marine and freshwater lake and river environments in locations ranging from the High Arctic to the tropical Pacific.

Ongoing and past research projects:

Melles, M., Brigham-Grette, J., Minyuk, P., Koeberl, C., Andreev, A., Cook, T., Gebhardt, C., Haltia-Hovi, E., Kukkonen, M., Nowaczyk, N., Schwamborn, G., Wennrich, V., and the El´gygytgyn Scientific Party. 2011. The Lake El’gygytgyn Scientific Drilling Project – Conquering Arctic Challenges through Continental Drilling, Scientific Drilling, 11: 29-40. [PDF]

Cook, T. L., and Bradley, R. S., 2010. An analysis of past and future changes in the ice cover of two high-arctic lakes based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and Landsat imagery, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 42: 9-18. [PDF]

Kaufman, D. S., Schneider, D. P., McKay, N. P., Ammann, C. M., Bradley, R. S., Briffa, K. R., Miller, G. H., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Overpeck, J. T., Vinther, B. M., and Arctic Lakes 2k Project Members (Abbott, M., Axford, Y., Bird, B., Birks, H. J. B., Bjune, A. E., Briner, J., Cook, T., Chipman, M., Francus, P., Gajewski, K.., Giersdottir, A., Hu, F. S., Kutchko, B., Lamoureux, S., Loso, M., MacDonald, G., Peros, M., Porinchu, D., Schiff, C., Seppa, H., and Thomas, E.), 2009. Recent warming reverses long-term Arctic cooling. Science, 325: 1236-1239. [PDF]

Cook, T. L., 2009. Climate and Environmental Change in Arctic Canada: Observations from Upper and Lower Murray Lakes, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Massachusetts Amherst. [PDF]

Cook, T. L., Bradley, R. S., Stoner, J. S., and Francus, P., 2009. Five thousand years of sediment transfer in a High Arctic watershed recorded in annually laminated sediments from Lower Murray Lake, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada, Journal of Paleolimnology. DOI: 10.1007/s10933-008-9252-0 [PDF]

Cook, T. L., Sommerfield, C. K., and Wong, K.-C., 2007. Observations of tidal and springtime sediment transport in the upper Delaware Estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 72: 235-246. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2006.10.014 [PDF]

Curriculum Vitae

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