My Mini Cooper S the day I brought her home
Here is my wall of Mini Cooper and Ducati imagery. The large photo below is my 2003 Indie Blue supercharged, intercooled, dual- exhausted, performance-intaked, de-back- seated, lightened, and thoroughly hot-rodded BMW Mini Cooper S (as she appeared when I first brought her home). Yes... I AM a gearhead. A few other pics are below as well.

I don't have any great shots of the Duke yet, looking for some phenominal geological backdrop to put her up against. But she's a passionate Italian 2001 yellow 748 v-twin. If you don't know what a single-sided swing-arm is, if your bars are above your triple-clamp, if your exhaust purrs instead of sounding like a slightly out-of-tune '65 Ferrari Dino - you really have never had the ultimate 2-(occasionally only 1)-wheel experience.