Vertical Seismic and Radar Profile References


I have compiled a list of references pertaining to vertical seismic and radar profiles.



Campden, David A., Crampin, Stuart, Majer, Ernest L. and McEvilly, Thomas V., 1990, Modeling the Geysers VSP: A progress report: The Leading Edge, 9, no. 8, 36-39.

Crampin, S., Bush, I., Naville, C. and Taylor, D., 1986, Estimating the internal structure of reservoirs with shear-wave VSPs: The Leading Edge, 5, no. 11, 35-39.

Hardage, B. A., 1988, VSP status report: The Leading Edge, 7, no. 9, 25-27.

Hartse, Hans E. and Knapp, John S., 1989, Understanding offset VSP, in Lynch, Kathanne J., Ed., Seismic interpretation series, 2: Soc. Expl. Geophys., 65-71. (*Reprinted from The Leading Edge)

Hartse, Hans E. and Knapp, John S., 1990, Understanding offset VSP: The Leading Edge, 9, 30-36.

Harwijanto, J. A., Wapenaar, C. P. A. and Berkhout, A. J., 1987, VSP migration by single shot record inversion: First Break, 5, no. 7, 247-256.

Hardage, B. A., 1983, A new direction in exploration - seismology is down: The Leading Edge, 2, 49-52.

Galperin, E. I., 1974, Vertical seismic profiling*, Hermont, A. J. (Translation.): Soc. Expl. Geophys. (*Edited by J. E. White)

Gilpatrick, Rory and Fouquet, Doyle, 1989, A user's guide to conventional VSP acquisition: The Leading Edge, 8, 34-39.

Jackson, P. J., Onions, K. R. and Westerman, A. R., 1989, Use of inverted VSP to enhance the exploration value of boreholes: First Break, 7, 233-246.

Johnstad, S. E. and Ahmed, H., 1991, Applications of the VSP technique in the central area of the Oseberg field: First Break, 9, 361-373.

Kragh, J. E., Goulty, N. R. and Findlay, M. J., 1991, Hole-to-surface seismic reflection surveys for shallow coal exploration: First Break, 9, 335-344.

Lizarralde, D., and S. Swift, Smooth inversion of VSP traveltime data, Geophysics, 64, 659-661.

Milligan, P. A., J. W., Rector, and R. Bainer, 3-D velocity imaging in the shallow subsurface using multi-well, multi-offset, VSP data: a case study from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory site, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 5, 27-38, 2000.

Payne, M. A., Eriksen, E. A. and Rape, T. D., 1994, Considerations for high-resolution VSP imaging: The Leading Edge, 13, 173-180.

Puckett, Mark, 1991, Offset VSP: A tool for development drilling*: The Leading Edge, 10, 18-24. (*Correction in TLE-10-10-8-8)

SEG, 1985, Focusing on SEG continuing education - VSP: The Leading Edge, 4, 49-50.

Smidt, Jesper M., 1989, VSP processing with full downgoing-wavefield deconvolution applied to the total wavefield: First Break, 7, 247-257.

Stewart, Robert R. and DiSiena, James P., 1989, The values of VSP in interpretation: The Leading Edge, 8, 16-23.

Winkler, G. R. and Cassell, B. R., 1989, Deep VSP study in a complex Alpine overthrust area: First Break, 7, 111-124.

Woodruff, A. H. W. and Christie, P. A. F., 1987, Removal of the VSP downgoing wave in the presence of very steep dips - a practical solution: First Break, 5, 45-58.