Long-term Data Repository

Deglacial climate modulated by the storage and release of Arctic sea ice

Here you can access all of the data presented in:

Joyce, A.J.,Condron, A. and Bradley, R.S. (xxxx). Deglacial climate modulated by the storage and release of Arctic sea ice, Nature Geoscience (under-review), ISBN XXXX

This research was made possible by supported from the National Science Foundation through the Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Program. The numerical simulations were carried out using MITgcm and used resources provided by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is supported by National Science Foundation.

The data files listed here are open to the public and free to download.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4

You can click on the names in the table to access the data used to make the figure in question.

Please contact directly Dr Alan Condron at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for additional information on using the data.