---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joyce, A.J.,Condron, A. and Bradley, R.S. (xxxx). Deglacial climate modulated by the storage and release of Arctic sea ice, Nature Geoscience (under-review), ISBN XXXX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 2 Data Sources All data contained in this folder is in *.mat (Matlab) data file. The files can be opened in Matlab or python without any changes to the file type. Listed below are the file names and their dimensions in: fileName | dimensions FramSIflx = [2000 x 1] = Fram Strait sea ice export in Sverdrups (Sv) FramSIflx* = [310 x 1] heatTrans = [1 x 2000] = heat transport between 20-50 N heatTrans* = [1 x 310] NSsalinity*= [310 x 3]; [310 x 1] = Nordic Seas surface salinity; [310 x 2] = Irminger Sea surface salinity; [310 x 3] = East Greenland Current surface salinity moc* = [310 x 5]; [310 x 2] = AMOC strength between 20-50 N The star at the end of the file indicates what simulation the data is from. For example, * = F for 5 m/s wind and S for 7.5 m/s wind. No star at the end of the file indicated data from the Control simulation. All ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------