D/L aspartic acid values in relation to D-alloisoleucince / L-isoleucine (A/I) values for fossil and modern Hiatella samples from the north coast of Alaska. (A) D/L Asp vs. A/I, and (B) (D/L Asp)2.8 vs. A/I. mo = modern; Pe = Pelukian; Wa = Wainwrightian; Fi = Fishcreekian; Bi = Bigbendian; Co = Colvillian.

(Figure 5 from Glenn A. Goodfriend, Julie Brigham-Grette and Gifford H. Miller, 1996, Enhanced Age Resolution of the Marine Quaternary Record in the Arctic Using Aspartic Acid Racemization Dating of Bivalve Shells. Quaternary Research, vol. 45, p. 176 - 187)

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